, [JAKARTA] – Film 1917 mendapat review luar biasa dari pemutaran di Amerika. Film karya sutradara Sam Mendes yang sebelumnya sukses dengan film peraih Academy Award Skyfall (2012), diputar untuk BAFTA, di Odeon Luxe Leicester Square, London.

Dalam pemutaran ini turut hadir, Krysty Wilson-Cairns (Penulis), Sam Mendes (Sutradara, Penulis, Produser), George MacKay (aktor), Benedict Cumberbatch (aktor), dan Dean-Charles Chapman (aktor).

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1917 merupakan film action perang terbaru karya sutradara Sam Mendes yang sebelumnya menyutradarai salah satu franchise James Bond; Skyfall yang sukses meraih beragam penghargaan termasuk Academy Awards (2012).

Film ini berkisah tentang dua orang tentara Letnan Blake & Letnan Leslie yang mendapat misi khusus untuk membatalkan sebuah serbuan yang dapat merenggut nyawa. Jika Blake & Leslie gagal dalam misi ini maka 1.600 orang akan terenggut nyawanya dalam sergapan tersebut.

Konsep perang selama 2 jam ini akan menampilkan adegan lanskap serta intensitas tinggi dan disajikan dalam konsep one shot secara terus menerus (sajian tampilan gambar secara terus menerus tanpa ada potongan).

Dengan demikian penonton akan dibawa menjelajah medan perang penuh dengan intensitas tinggi hingga adegan menegangkan dengan konsep tampilan tanpa cut gambar.

Film 1917 dibintangi oleh George MacKay, Dean-Charles Chapman, Mark Strong, Andrew Scott, Richard Madden, Claire Duburcq, with Colin Firth dan Benedict Cumberbatch.

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Di Tanah Air, Film 1917 akan tayang di bioskop pada Januari 2020.

Keterangan Gambar

film 1917
LONDON, ENGLAND – NOVEMBER 27: Sam Mendes and Benedict Cumberbatch during the BAFTA Screening Of 1917 film; Q&A With Cast at Odeon Luxe Leicester Square on November 27, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Dave J Hogan for Entone).
LONDON, ENGLAND – NOVEMBER 27: George MacKay, Benedict Cumberbatch and Dean-Charles Chapman during the BAFTA Screening Of 1917 film. Q&A With Cast at Odeon Luxe Leicester Square on November 27, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Dave J Hogan for Entone)
LONDON, ENGLAND – NOVEMBER 27: Krysty Wilson-Cairns, Sam Mendes, George MacKay, Benedict Cumberbatch and Dean-Charles Chapman during the BAFTA Screening Of 1917 film Q&A With Cast at Odeon Luxe Leicester Square on November 27, 2019 in London, England. (Photo by Dave J Hogan for Entone)


Beberapa review film 1917 dari media luar yang telah menyaksikan filmnya.

Review: ‘1917’ Might Be The Best Movie Of 2019
By: Scott Mendelson (Forbes)

Universal just dropped a bomb on the ongoing Oscar season, because Sam Mendes’ 1917 is indeed one of the best movies of the year, if not THE best. That’s a conversation for another day, but the single-take World War I action drama, concerning two grunts attempting to race across enemy lines to deliver crucial, life-saving intelligence to allies readying to wage war, is a genuine marvel of movie magic. With one brief, and entirely fair, exception, this entire 110-minute picture unfolds as a single long take as the camera swoops in and out, dives here and there and essentially creates the illusion of a real-time war flick for its duration. Are there cheats? Oh, I’m sure there are. But, honestly, who cares? Movie magic is about the illusion of reality, and 1917 absolutely sells the truthfulness of its core gimmick.”

1917 review: Sam Mendes’s turns western front horror into a single-shot masterpiece
By: Peter Bradshaw (The Guardian)
RATING: 5 stars out of 5

“This phantasmagoric first world war nightmare from the British director is ambitious and unshakeable storytelling. Sam Mendes’s 1917 is an amazingly audacious film; as exciting as a heist movie, disturbing as a sci-fi nightmare. It is a first world war drama of the Western Front and a terrible journey undertaken by two boys like a ghost train ride into a day-lit house of horror, periodically descending into night as if going underwater and then resurfacing into an alien world, bright with menace.”

1917 Review – IGN
By: Jim Vejvoda (IGN)
RATING: 9.5 out of 10 stars

“Sam Mendes’ 1917 is one of the best films of 2019. Set over less than 24 hours on the Western Front, the harrowing 1917 is both simple in its story and breathtaking in its execution, intimate yet epic. Director Sam Mendes has delivered a completely engrossing survival thriller about two young British soldiers, Schofield (George MacKay) and Blake (Dean-Charles Chapman), on a perilous mission behind enemy lines.”

‘1917’ is a bold war movie whose striking cinematography demands to be seen on the big screen
By: Jason Guerrasio (Business Insider)

“Director Sam Mendes may have made the next great war movie. This one is going to be studied and discussed for a very long time.”

1917 Review
By: Edward Douglas (
RATING: 10 out of 10 stars

“There’s a long, storied tradition of war movies capturing some of the greatest battles in history, yet seemingly, not so many of them, at least not in recent memory, have been set during World War I vs. other wars. Peter Jackson’s 2018 doc They Shall Not Grow Old allowed people to see actual film reel footage that was sitting in the archives for almost 100 years, and that centennial may be what’s creating new interest in what happened in the so-called “war to end all wars.” Filmmaker Sam Mendes (Skyfall) had a grandfather in the first World War who told him stories when he was younger, inspiring him to create an original story with co-writer Kristy Wilson-Cairns about two young soldiers on an important but seemingly impossible mission. What Mendes does in 1917 with his relatively small cast and a much larger crew is create a war movie that might be compared more to Alejandro Iñarritu’s The Revenant than modern-day war movies like Christopher Nolan’s Dunkirk or Steven Spielberg’s Saving Private Ryan. Much of that has to do with the minimalism of characters and words that puts the focus squarely on the two young men’s journey amidst the chaos going on around them.”